2001 Letters to the Bishops Campaign

(Note: this conference ended on November 15, 2001, so do not send anything to the Hyatt Regency Hotel)

Dear Faithful Catholics:

The annual meeting of the U. S. Bishopsí conference will take place November 12-15, 2001, in Washington, D.C. at the Hyatt Regency Hotel.  As Catholics loyal to the Magisterium, we are extremely concerned over the crisis of faith that exists in our Church.  Over the past years, the Holy Father has issued many encyclicals, instructions and even corrections to our bishops that remain generally unenforced or ignored.  As the people of God, it is our duty and obligation to speak out in defense of the Faith.

The ìLetters to the Bishops Campaignî is an effort to urge our shepherds to initiate pro-active responses to on-going situations that are destroying the Roman Catholic faith in the United States: lack of concern over unbridled abortion, inadequate catechesis, and liturgical abuse. We are asking all like-minded Catholics to participate in this campaign by mailing a one-page, copyrighted Letter to your bishop at the Washington conference.  For years the dissidents have held the reins of control; it is time for loyal Catholics to publicly address our bishops.  We, the laity, must take back our Holy Roman Catholic Church.  If you agree with this appraisal of the current state of affairs, please participate in the ìLetters to the Bishops Campaign.î  The sponsors of the campaign are members of the Catholic alternative press. All those participating in the campaign assume personal responsibility for their letters and promise to submit all efforts in prayer to the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church. 

As a participant in the Letters to the Bishops Campaign you agree to:

Keep in mind the dates of the conference ñ Nov 12-15, 2001 and include your return address on the envelope.  Your letter to the hotel may be marked ìHold For Arrival.î  After mailing your letter please inform us by e-mail, webmaster@lesfemmes-thetruth.org  giving your bishopís name/diocese and your name and address.  This information will remain confidential and be used only to determine the outcome of the campaign, the results of which we will share with you.

We discourage any other enclosures in the Letter.  However, if you wish to add a brief, personal note, you may do so on a separate sheet of paper.  The sponsors take no responsibility for any inclusions you may add to the one page, copyrighted Letter.

Please publicize the Letters to the Bishops Campaign via the Internet and your e-mail list; make and distribute copies for your friends. Thank you for your participation.  May God look kindly upon our efforts to serve Our Lord and His Church in charity.

The Catholic Alternative Press

  1. The Catholic Advocate, Jacksonville, FL,
  2. Defenders of the Magisterium, San Antonio, TX,
  3. Les Femmes, Alexandria, VA,
  4. Hope of St. Monica, Milford, OH,
  5. The Defender, Berkeley Springs, WV.
  6. Los Pequenos de Cristo, Albuquerque, NM

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