Renew 2000 Commentary

by Mary Constance

This is was in response to someone that I saw in CCC last night and is co-directing it in her parish and had some concerns about it.

Since our conversation last night, I have straightened out a few things with facts. I hope it helps clarify a few things. I know that it did for me. For what it is worth to you, here it goes.

The Renew 2000 program has many components and assorted texts and leaders manuals. They are as follows:

  1. Call To Lead- Leadership manual to Renew 2000 (this contains the acknowledgements we spoke of)
  2. Renew 2000 and Beyond (another leadership book)
  3. Book 1 - a workbook, leader's book and overhead transparencies
  4. Book 2 - same as book one
  5. Book 3- same as above
  6. Assorted supplementary material that is questionable in nature but recommended by the program (most of the authors are CTA people).

If you are using the Call to Lead book and think that it has nothing to do with Renew 2000, you are being mislead. It is the actual book from whence the leaders draw information and training to promote and implement this program. Therefore, it is one in the same.

Also, if you are looking for specific references that will need to either defend or reject renew 2000, I suggest the following references within the books themselves:

Book 2- page 20: the Nicene Creed that took 300-400 years to formulate and refine is rewritten now as the Profession of Faith that upon reading is questionable in nature when scrutinized.

Book 1- cannot find exact location...the Magnificat that was written in the first century and withstood 2000 years has been again rewritten to be called the Magnificat of Freedom. In this "prayer" you will find that when using the Lord's name the emphasis on Him is demoted to small letters. The emphasis on nature and the other things are promoted to capital letters. There is more reference to things other than God than to the Lord Himself. (page 2??)

Book 1 (maybe book 2 my notes are sloppy) Page 122 column 2 second paragraph---since when do we have an eighth sacrament? And the Eucharist is not "a meal" it is the body and blood, soul and divinity of Jesus Christ.

Book 1 ( see above on book nos.) page 22 -- blessing each other with plain water and baby oil is ludicrous. We may anoint one in another accordance with the church with holy chrism and holy water not generically produced substance at our fingertips.

The "president of Renew International" upon learning of information that was sent to the Vatican, Ratzinger and the Apostolic Delegate, contacted CUF (Catholics United for Faith) Phillip Gray, add informed him that there may be some discrepancies as Regis Martin had subscribed to.

Therefore, Book 2 may be recalled. Whoopee!!! That is only one book out of how many? How many of these books are already distributed and in the hands of people like you, who are on the edge of implementing this in your parish or diocese? The damage is done, and I doubt that there will be any forward action to "recall" the book. If necessary and at our expense we will have Fr. Martin look at each book and text etc. that is involved in this program.

The dissemination of information is tightly controlled by Renew International at this time. My opinion is that, if given to others in bits and pieces, then maybe it will fly. For if anyone were to see the program in its completed form, there would be many questions. It has been nicely packaged and market with the best of skill.

I wish I was not so vocal on this matter, but I asked the Lord for a sign (I have never asked this of Him) and lo and behold all sorts of doors are opening and people are listening and an abundance of information is just "falling " into my lap...Until He places obstacles in my path or someone can prove me wrong, I will fight for His rightful place in my life and those of the people I love and know.

Good luck, feel free to contact me anytime.

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